Slave Dynasty

Delhi 12th to 15th Century I - Concepts
Class - 7th CBSE Subjects
Concept Explanation

Slave Dynasty

The Slave Dynasty: These slaves often rose up the political and military ladder to become rulers of their land. The dynasty established by Aibak was therefore, also known as the slave dynasty.

Slave Dynasty Established by Qutb ud-Din Aibak. Dynasty lasted from 1206 to 1290. It was the first of the dynasties to rule as the Delhi Sultanate. Dynasty ended when Jalal ud din Firuz Khilji overthrew the last Mamluk ruler Muiz ud din Qaiqabad in 1290.

From Garrison Town to Empire: The Expansion of the Delhi Sultanate: In the early thirteenth century the control of the Delhi sultans rarely went beyond heavily fortified towns occupied by garrisons.

  • The sultans seldom controlled the hinterland of the cities and were therefore dependent upon trade, tribute or plunder for supplies. Controlling garrison   towns in distant Bengal and Sind from Delhi was extremely difficult. Rebellion, war, even bad weather could snap fragile communication routes. Delhi’s authority was also challenged by Mongol invasions from Afghanistan and by governors who rebelled at any sign of the sultan’s weakness.
  • The sultanate barely survived these challenges. Its expansion occurred during the reigns of Ghiyasuddin Balban, Alauddin Khalji and Muhammad Tughluq. The first set of campaigns’ along the “internal frontier” of the sultanate aimed at consolidating the hinterlands of the garrison towns. During these campaigns forests were cleared in the Ganga- Yamuna Doab and hunter- gatherers and pastoralists expelled from their habitat.
  • These lands were given to peasants and agriculture was encouraged. New fortresses and towns were established to protect trade routes and to promote regional trade. The second expansion occurred along the “external frontier” of the sultanate. Military expeditions into southern India started during the reign of Alauddin Khalji and culminated with Muhammad Tughluq.
  • In their campaigns’, sultanate armies captured elephants, horses and slaves and carried away precious metals. by the end of Muhammad Tughluq’s reign, 150 years after somewhat humble beginnings, the armies of the Delhi sultanate had marched across a large part of the subcontinent. They had defeated rival armies and seized cities. The sultanate collected taxes from the peasantry and dispensed justice in its realm.
  • The Slave Dynasty: These slaves often rose up the political and military ladder to become rulers of their land. The dynasty established by Aibak was therefore, also known as the slave dynasty.

  • Qutbuddin Aibak (1206-1210 CE): Qutbuddin Aibak was originally a slave and a native of Turkistan. He rose to become a trusted general of Mohammad Ghori. Aibak was the prime force behind Ghori’s victory in the second battle of Tarain and his captures kannauj, Bihar and Bengal. On Ghori’s death, Aibak declared himself sovereign of the newly conquered Indian territories. He became the first sultan of Delhi. Qutbuddin conquered Ajmer, Jhansi, Delhi and Meerut. He used marriages to strengthen his position. His generosity earned him the title of Lakh-baksh or the giver of lakhs. He built two mosques: the Quwwat u l Islam mosque in Delhi and the Dhai din ka Jhopra in Ajmer. He started work on the Qutb Minar, but did not complete it. He died after an accidental fall while playing polo in 1210 CE.
  • Iltutmish (1210-1236 CE): A former slave and later son – in- law of Aibak, Iltutmish took over the throne amidst great opposition in 1210 CE.Iltutmish crush the revolt of the nobles and defeated yaldo. He attacked and defeated Qabacha, the governor of Sind. He then subdued the Rajput chiefs of ranthambor, Ajmer and Gwalior.
  • Razia Sultana (1236-1240 CE): IN a brief, Sultan IILTUMISH'S daughter ,Raziyya, became the Sultan in 1236. The chronicler of the age named Minhaj-i-Siraj said that she was more able and qualified than all her brothers.
  • Razia was the first and last woman who sat on the throne of Delhi. She was a woman in a ‘man’s world’. She also faced opposition from the ‘group of forty’ Turkish nobles. The refusal of the nobles to accept a woman as their ruler finally led to her downfall.
  • Sample Questions
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    Muhammed Ghori appointed ____ as the Governor of his Indian possessions.

    Right Option : D
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    Right Option : A
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    Right Option : B
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